
Saturday, July 26, 2008

What Credit Rating Scores Tell a Potential Lender

By Courtney Jaden

Is your mailbox always stuffed with bunches of credit card offers? This happens to pretty much everyone. It's gotten easy for most people to apply for a new card, because there are so many companies that are eager to benefit from your spending.

However, while they're quick to make the offer, getting approved is another ball game. Credit card companies may be liberal with their invitations, but their requirements are very strict. Good credit rating scores are one of the requirements you have to meet.

You can improve your credit rating scores if they aren't very good, but it's not going to happen overnight. Improving your scores takes time and work, just like anything else. However, you'll have a much easier time getting approvals once you have a good credit score built up.

There's no way around it: It's a must if you want a credit card. Now you may be wondering, how can you improve your credit rating scores? You can do at least three things to get things started.

One of the best things you can do right now is always pay your bills on time. To maintain good credit rating scores, and to get approved for a new credit card, you need pay all your bills before they're due.

If you ever happen to pay late one month it is not like the world will come to an end. There is still hope for you to get a credit card as long as those late payments do not become a trend. When you are able to consistently pay your bills on time over several months, your credit rating scores will go up.

You may be tempted, or have been tempted, to cancel old credit cards. That may seem like the logical thing to do, but it is really unwise. Any credit card in your credit history will contribute to your credit score. This tells lenders that you don't automatically run up any credit card that you get your hands on because you have available credit that is being unused.

Even if you are still paying on them, keep your old credit cards. You should do this even if you don't use them. You will have a much easier time applying for a new card if you keep paying your bills and increase your score.

One last thing to remember: Don't max out your credit card limit. It's a bad practice no matter how you look at it. If you use up more than fifty percent of your limit, your score will probably drop as a result.

Staying below 50% will not only help you maintain a higher credit score, it will also help you maintain bills. Hopefully, these few tips have helped you understand how your credit rating scores affect your eligibility for a new credit card. Now go out there and get that credit score up.

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